Sunday, July 31, 2011

Nitrogen in the air.... because of lightning...

So after the lightning and thunder simultaneously made known their whereabouts, which happened to be right behind me, I quickly made my dash for the house. I always begin knowing I am well capable of making it, but will I be able to do as well as I want to. Or do I fall short. As I approached my street, my legs began to question my mind's expectations. Soaking wet, forgetting form, breathing heavy, I pressed onward.
"I'm not as fit as I think" my mind interjects. Where do I get these thoughts from? Who cares how fit I am, I'm running for my life! Why do I make things that are not important seem important? I want to be the best. I want to be the best triathlete, but there are so many who are so much better. "But I'm different," I say to myself. "I can be the best."

Lord God, hear me. I fear you, I trust you. I trust you Lord. Your longings are bright, but not bright like the sun on a calm day. Bright like pursuing headlights closing in on me, so bright that I begin to fear losing sight and control of my surroundings. That I won't know which way to go or run, and you'll slam in to me at a million miles an hour. Hold on to me tight as I hit the earth. A dull thud and stillness like the gentle haze after a heavy sleep. I'm awake. I'm awake. Your love has ravished my heart. Amen.

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