Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day at the Bike Shop

What does it mean to be truly intentional. I've been told to be intentional, and asked to be intentional. My interpretation of the word with people is this: deliberately showing people your devotion to their presence and allowing your heart to truly accept every fiber of their being, while recognizing the particular concern at hand, and meeting that concern. Sounds good to me, quite a definition. says "of or pertaining to intention or purpose." I like the word purpose in it, but the rest of that definition falls short.
I work at a bike shop. Moore's Bicycle Shop to be exact. Having dealt with quite a few people today has taught me a lot about myself. I like talking to people. I like finding someone's trust and understanding how to stay there. Many times one word will flip that trust switch, or an idea, but I generally am careful to keep myself within someone's trust. Importantly enough, I don't just wanted to be trusted, I want to know that I can be trusted, so I have to offer something of myself as well.
Because in their trust you can truly experience happiness with them. It's extraordinary really, in trust you feel the same things they do and are concerned about what they are concerned about, or excited for what they are excited about. I like it.

Take a few deep breaths, allow peace to settle your heart, and know that He is God. God Almighty, great and powerful is He. Beautiful splendor.. beautiful surrender.. I want to be who He's called me to be, and it's possible, with you.

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