How embarrassing it is to be an emotional wreck. I don't not wish it upon anyone.
I'm sick of crap like that. Recently, I have been getting really down and emotional... FACT: mainly because of chemical imbalances in my body which could be avoided by exercising. I was freaking out. Then I went for a run and was fine. Hence, reasons for not taking a car anywhere.
I read some of my old revelatory notes this morning. They were pretty good. One that sticks out to me this morning:
"As a man thinks in his heart, so he is."
Sigh. You're right God. I'm not depressed. Its not the children's bread. I should not pray mentally but out of the abundance of my spirit. I should not wait to feel like doing something, but act in faith and do it. Whether it feels right or not to study in the morning, when I am trying to figure out perfect ways to worship you for 5 minutes and take up an hour and a half being distracted, I'll study.
Wisdom for the day: Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.
That which comes out of the mouth of man defiles him. For the mouth speaks what is in the heart.
In my case, I emailed one of my teacher's about having dealt with some depression, and now that I'm over it, I feel like an idiot.
More wisdom: Steer clear of putting yourself in the position where you must apologize.
Better to remain silent and be thought foolish.
P.S. My girlfriend still makes my heart soar. I love you Erin.
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